Tangent Gardening "Extras"

Urban Gardening in unnatural heat... Why Not?

Saturday, September 29, 2012

"Mock" Spring

Well this is why,

      We endure summer for so long...

Autumn Mix

     Waiting for the feeling of Fall which seems like ages.  I can't even tell you how relaxed one feels, having the morning aromas hit the nose.  One can smell the dirt, the plants, the flowers that have fresh and a revived life forces.

     Okay, Yes, your probably thinking, why would I be describing what seems like Spring? Well,  for the desert it's like spring! Maybe, It should be called more like a "Mock" spring.
Needless to say, I think this is my favorite time of year.
     Summer and Winter in these parts, well to start ... Summer to experience it, One will have a similar feel to cabin fever, you are locked up in your home, cringing at the moment you open up the front door, the feel of a blast furnace of which hits your face and singes your eyebrows off. Then Winter, hmmm, describing it in any other way, uhhmmm, well,  I can't, except like this... boring, cold and uneventful.
     Spring and "Mock" spring, a.k.a Fall...
     Oh! The joy of seeing everything happy and relaxed, celebrating the goings on...

     Yes, that is the reason, that is the reason for living in the desert...

     No, the leaves, well, don't turn to those glorious colors here in the valley, maybe in some parts, and playing in the pile of leaves don't usually happen. That "sting of crisp cold,"  it shows up, but... just to slap you in the face when you least expect it...

     You see, that my friends really is a whole other story...


     But to be able to enjoy the cool temps without freezing our rumps off, and lounging in the warmth of the sun, not roasting, makes up the difference dont-cha think?

    Although, we haven't reached the potential of a "Mock" Spring yet, it really doesn't come until November 1st ish. The tell-tale signs are here and teasing us at every point of everyday! :)

    Now that is everything about why I live here in the desert... Just so you know, lol...
 And "Mock" Spring


     What was the joyous phrase, "happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy"!!!  Yes!
     So as of now, the Fall Garden is very active and Happy, I have SPROUTS!

As of this week, The Beets and Swiss Chard have popped up,

Row A.

swiss chard

The lettuce, but not the carrots or
Row B.

 then again! What could this be?

possibly a carrot

Look at these radish (break on through), but no green onions yet!
Row C.


feeling a little worried for spinach and leeks...  
Row D.
not sure!  Spinach or a leek

same as above! Ooops!

     There you have it, a glorious "Mock" Spring and the new growth for the fall garden! 

Soon to come...  The Amazing peach trees!!!

Mock Spring Color!

      Here are some fall color beauties from Shazam! ( in place of could be's)

Gorgeous!  Yes?

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