Tangent Gardening "Extras"

Urban Gardening in unnatural heat... Why Not?

Showing posts with label four O'Clock flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label four O'Clock flowers. Show all posts

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Updates... and News!!!

Shopping Spree

     Okay, maybe I'm a little behind on ordering my seeds... I did it though... Hoorray!  I went to one of my favorite catalogs and looked at it for a couple of weeks!!  I couldn't quite make-up my mind... I did a lot of thought, remember I have to be very thoughtful...  One of the thoughts is, that I am really excited to have a variety of lettuce..

  1. Oak-leaf Mix                             
  2. Curly Ruffle Mix
  3. Heatwave Blend
  4. Mesclun Mix
  5. Grand Rapids
  6. Salad Bowl

         I also ordered Nigella "Chocolate Sundae" I'm so excited for those seeds...
    and some Sunflower seeds (the really tall ones) Russian Gray stripes... 10' to 15' maybe the HOA will yell at me but who cares...
    Of course I did order them from "the cooks garden" catalog.
        With the top three, and the recent ones just purchased, Mesclun Mix, and Grand rapids, I'll have two coffee cans each to plant and harvest from.  I actually spent about $35.00ish on just seeds.
    My Projected delivery date is Feb 15.... Omg! can't wait...

     Snap Dragons

         Why are they even called Snap Dragons,
         I was thinking that I would be buying some Snap Dragons to plant, but when I did some weeding in the area,  Guess What I found!!!, Snap Dragon seedlings....  Wahooo!!   But I do think I might buy some to go along with them...

         Not only will I add the Snap Dragons, I will have my Nigella seeds and four O' Clocks...
    Beginning of March will be when I do those plantings... ( maybe a little sooner)... ha ha ha!  Can you read my excitement!

    Lunar Planting
         So far carrots, bunching onions, radish were planted on Wednesday, it was a full moon. So Lunar planting
    was implemented...  I wrote about how I wanted to learn the past time (?) of Gardening by the Moon Calendar... All I really need to do is follow the Farmers Almanac.  I love that magazine...
     Oh! and the recipes it has listed, sound fabulous tooo!

    The Furry Kids UPDATE....

          So I have Really rough news::::  I have been so worried about my Piglet... She has been feeling unwell...
    She has been loosing weight and not eating a lot and a bit lethargic. She is super grumpy especially towards  the babies... It is just not like her... She loves to be petted and loved on and played with... She loves people and I'm sure that having a brother and sister is a thing she would enjoy.. She wanted Mina to play with her all the time... Mina was just to old to play...

          Well, after taking her to the Vet.. I thought the worse... I thought the severe, worse thought ever...  The Vet took blood to check all the panels; kidney, liver, white blood cells etc... urine,and a pancreatitis test http://manhattancats.com/Articles/pancreatitis_test.html (well this explains that). I found this link, searching for what it was...

         But, the true result is...  She has Hyperthyroidism, she will be on medication the rest of her life. One pill a day... One pill a day to bring her hormones to a level of normal...  Although, I am so thrilled the worse was never an option... I am still sad that she has to endure this kind of thing...  She will be checked routinely for the the levels of hormones and blood work is the only way as of yet! So she has a long haul to get back to her self. But the Staff at the vet's office is uplifting and easy to see... So Rough News? Yes! But, News to work with! Very Easy..

         This is The Princess, We're talking about!!!

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