Tangent Gardening "Extras"

Urban Gardening in unnatural heat... Why Not?

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Hell Hath no Fury!!

Gates of Hell has opened...

Man! The temperatures are incredible, above record...  Some people are recording temperatures of
upwards to 120 degrees.  How can any garden even survive... 

A lot of Gardeners have conquered weather like to this degree...  I can say my garden isn't fairing greatly, my tomato leaves  are curling, and I won't see much coming from my peppers... 

So other things in my garden that enjoy misery is 
my Bougainvillea...  AKA ... Ms. Vampire
Mainly because you can't be around her without 
drawing blood... Time to prune her fangs and claws...

 My butter cup is doing "ok" but not great... I think mainly that it is in shade of the tomatoes... But maybe success when temps decide to even out some...

Well 11:00 a.m. and 91 degrees will stop my production of fruit and veggie until pretty much until September... 

My yellow squash, just can't seem to get a break, no matter what I do... except maybe one more thing mulching it... 

I have come across some ideas and knowledge for different vegetables and how to grow them... really good info too...can't wait to act on that info...

My first thought is the  Chayote squash, it's a perennial I believe...  
but slow to get going in the beginning but can't wait to get tasting it...

Yard long Beans... I have tried these before and ok to grow no real troubles... But I didn't know how to grow them either... Now I have knowledge and want to try to grow them again...

~Well I have some not so happy news~.... 

My Crimson sweet watermelon cracked at the bottom and I don't think it is save-able... all the other little melons turned black, so I am not sure if I will be getting to see it reach 16 lbs... Well I am sure I won't....

My tomatoes are coming along other than the leaves curling, and Hopefully I will be able to harvest most by this weekend...

So there you have it ... the torturous weather ...  

The term people say  "The Gates Of  Hell Opened Up," for the time being...
Being that I have lived here pretty much all my life.... 
It is just what it is... We deal with it the best we know how..
No matter the situation... Garden wise you know...

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