Tangent Gardening "Extras"

Urban Gardening in unnatural heat... Why Not?

Showing posts with label compost bin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label compost bin. Show all posts

Monday, August 8, 2011

Side Dress What?!?

 Side Dressing...

   So after learning how to side dress, which sounds like I am cooking a turkey or something.. I went out and did just that.. I put compost on the side of my Pumpkins and my Bird House Gourds..

   Thank you husband for helping me... I loved that you put your hands in the ickky compost too.. It was hot and steamy huh?  Just kidding!! (not really!!)

compost side dressing on the Bird House Gourds...

More compost side dressing on the jalapenos...

Cabbage and Broccoli Planting Day!!

   I did plant cabbage seeds and broccoli seeds too.  Where the tomatoes once stood now in hopes of cabbage..  I have never ever ever, planted cabbage or broccoli, so I hope that something comes especially because the seeds are kind of old... Like two years old...

cabbage bed...

    Broccoli on the other hand are fresh, and I planted them in the area of where the chili peppers were once being nurtured in hope of revitalization... but as you may know that didn't happen...

Broccoli planted by the eggplant

Broccoli planted by the jalapenos!
    I'm not to sure if these areas are to suitable, but it gets good amount of sun with a little bit of shade....

Bigger than I had imagined..
   The eggplant has had a great summer so far, it has grown very large, so much so I ended up putting a little bit of a fence in front of it to tame it.. It was hard for my husband to mow around it, or even weed eat the edges.  It also was covering the grass and making it turn brown and ugly. So, with the fence, I lifted the limbs up and now it can probably breath under there too.

So, looking at where I want my container garden out in the front yard, I am a type of person like symmetry, I am not to picky and like things as casual as possible, but symmetry is important to me. when I ended up lining up the pots to the windows I realized that I needed to more pots. This is what I mean..

Under the window looks great but....

    To the side of that, it is as bear as it can ever be... so I think two more would look great..
 The theme for them will be Salsa and Grilling Containers,

     For the salsa I will have peppers, tomatoes, green onions, and cilantro...  For the grilling, I will have peppers, eggplants, maybe zucchini, tomatoes, and basil... parsley to make it pretty.

That shabby not chic shrub!

  So I will be taking this shrub out soon and I can't wait to put another container there, But I think I want to put something other than a salsa garden container there... certainly think that I have to put a lot of though into this container.. you know to make it different.

Something to share...

   The lighting of this plant was real neat, It was a warm light, so much so when you looked at it it made you feel warm without sweating.. It made me feel happy and feel a giddy of delight.

My eggplant with some basil in a warm happy light!!

Hope you see what I mean...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

To (?) What in a hen Basket?

     As you know I  waited all day for the compost bin to arrive, I even waited to post yesterday, because I wanted pictures of it.
    Of course, after I  post a short blog, the bin arrived at  my doorstep... go figure!
             Without further aduex (is that how you spell it?) 

   Well, introducing my added work horse to keep my yard in check....

    Compost Bin From City of Mesa....
Compost bin/ Modified street garbage can

convenient lid  for covering and cooking

bottomless pit ( I mean, bin,  bottomless bin, for air circulation, Yea! That's it! see!)

   Not complaining in any aspect of the word, I think, the city had to think of something for these cans to keep them for hitting the landfill... Good Idea! Yes?

   Now lets see if they are to work as intended...Hmmm, inquiring minds want to know!


      When I say to **** in a hen basket, it really did go to **** yesterday...

   It was so Hot, (HOW HOT WAS IT?) It was so hot that some of my plants are turning into jerky..., 

   It isn't that they aren't getting enough water, or was really, to windy,  just look at the damage the heat has done to some of my flowers.

one day of heat...

Jus' can't hang! Get it!... It is in a hanging basket! jus' kiddin'

Honorary Jerkied plants, of any plant, I thought that this one would be able to hang out!
   One good day of rain, and Mother Nature decides to get payment!! LOL!


   So about two or three days ago I did a post on My beautiful lettuce experiment, I thought all was going well,

   Think again Partner...,

Some one brought lunch

   Oh!! Wait!.... Lunch was already there for them...

"Before" Mesclun Mix
"After" Mesclun Mix
"Before" Grand Rapids
"After " Grand Rapids
   Now, What In the World is doing this???   And In..  A Day?     Are they Crazy?  Am I? Well, Yea, it was proven....

ha!ha!ha!          But that is another story altogether...

   I haven't a clue what to do about this!  HELP! Any thoughts? Maybe it's too late, huh?

   I start back to a regular work routine on Friday, and my eyes won't be on this garden like it should be.. I just hope that it will be fine, after seeing this go on... Isshhhh!!!!


   The two veggies that are being awesome and troopers through all this heat... are?.... And THE PRIZE goes to


This is starting to get size, look it's expanding and it is very happy!  Right on track...

One of birdhouse Gourds
   The bird house gourds are very happy too! It has reached the first row of the bamboo screen... it's right on course. 

   Hooray for them!.

   Through thick and thin they troop on.... their leaves are expanding on!!!
Can you hear me cheering,...

    Okay I'm not very good at it, but you can't quell my excitement......!

   So, Now, I have work to do, What you ask?  Placing the work horse in it's, ummm... stall, ya! Where it should be! lol!

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