Tangent Gardening "Extras"

Urban Gardening in unnatural heat... Why Not?

Friday, January 20, 2012

January Life...

     This coming week-end, I (well, my hubby will be doing it) we till once again.  I have some debris that needs to be burned.  I think that the ashes will be a wonderful benefit.  Don't you?  There are a list of things that need to be done.

     *Rake out debris left and make the soil smoother (eliminate rocks)
     *I will spray the borders of the garden to keep the squash bugs, aphids, and ants away...
     *Organize the paver bricks that are left over from the patio we took out to expand the garden...

and a list of other things that need to happen...

Babies are a sprout!!!
     So the broccoli seeds have sprouted.  Yay! I am still waiting for the peppers to sprout.

      I have come across an idea. This idea entails coffee cans and lettuce seeds.  I'm an avid coffee drinker, and love to make my own cheap cup of Joe, so I have a number of coffee cans that just sits in my shed...wait my Green House! (ha ha ha)...

     What better Idea than recycling these cans, but using them for the gamut of lettuce seeds that have so many different varieties. 

     Hey, I know, I have done some crazy things, I know that a lot of things that I have done didn't work also...

     BUT WHO CARES! Right?   Gardening is nothing but an experiment anyway, Yes?

     So off to experiment...Oh, Wait!!! I have to get some good dirt first for the cans... There is something funny about that sentence but I can't quite put my finger on it!! ha ha ha ha!

Serial plant killer on the loose again...

     Awhile back, I bought a plant, an orchid the most beautiful one ever... I even took a picture then entered it in a photo contest on About.com, and it was recognized... That was cool...

     Well, as it were, It has become my latest victim... sigh!!! I thought that it was happy vibrant and... well! Alive?... You Know!?

     I went to check on it, as I picked it up to give it water... the thick leathery leaves, dark green so succulent, fell off  bloop, bloop, ...

Much to my dismay... I think that I killed it by method of watering... maybe to much... 
     Ho-Hum ....  So the serial life continues... When will the Chaos end???....

January Life!
      Someone wrote about January, how, in short, they didn't favor this month... by thought their meaning of the word delete is synonymous with January...I hope this is what they were thinking, because it made sense to me. Well, I think that I have to agree... It is drab and dull... and growing anything is by far a challenge with me, (as it is anyway).
      But enough of that dreary thinking... Right???

     So instead of thinking of the "what doesn't", maybe I need to get it together and think of the "what does"...
     I can plan, build, sow indoors, and hope that the choice seeds will grow for the most amazing garden ever...
     Delete would be a word to use for dead plants and old garden plans... and just crap in general...

 SO the word DELETE is a new favorite word in my vocabulary...
 Delete, Delete, Delete..... I like it!!!

Furry Drama in the home...

      I have had high hopes that Piglet would be in a euphoric state of mind, for having new siblings... Whatever grieving processes she must still be going through for our beloved Mina, has affected the way she feels towards us all.  Her demeanor has changed very much in couple few weeks... So much so that she is very angry towards everyone in her path... "watch-out!!!..."

     On the better frame of mind, though... Pea-Nut and Butter are fast friends and siblings... They absolutely love each other. Right after their meals, they automatically find the moment to chase each other, unintentionally just about wrecking anything in their path...

      I love the patters of their feet and thunder of the chase.  It makes our household alive and happy...

     The need to make Piglet feel better and content, is a mission that can not be ignored, and I am at a loss... sigh... I hope that I get her on her way of feeling better...

It's okay baby girl... Momma is here...

 Another Project on the list....

     I found somewhere, a project that really seems fun to do...  But for the life of me, I can't remember where it was that I read it...

     Bird Bath....

    Made with tiles and terracotta pots, the picture was so amazing... as it is I love things like this, and home made projects just makes the yard homey and magickal...

    I want to do this... but again the problem I can't find the instructions...  So, I will be adding this to my list of things to do...
    I hope that I can get this made and put in the yard soon...
Gosh! Spring is coming, you know... I know,  Duhhh!! lol!!!

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