Tangent Gardening "Extras"

Urban Gardening in unnatural heat... Why Not?

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Up's...


March 1, 2014, began beautifully...

Weather was rainy and cool not cold...
Planting happened in the perfect way...
It was the most ideal time...

bell peppers
basil and marigolds

~In the other bed, I seeded

and banana peppers...

I even seeded cat grass for the "kids." (my cats)

In one of the hanging baskets I planted cilantro... I love cilantro.
I know that it bolts fast, and I really don't have much luck with this herb, but I love the taste in my salsa...

I have parsley, oregano, thyme....

Asian beans too... They will grow 26 inches long or more.. These will stand up to the weather we live in...

I have started and maintained a Garden Journal...

How many of you keep garden journals?  Does it help?

It seems to help me.. I come across recipes for fertilizer and composting ideas... Container planting ideas and even how to make the garden beautiful... Although my yard is still a generic yard I am working at it...

I also love to surf Pinterest for more Ideas...

March 12, 2014

It is the middle of spring break, the weather is just lovely... I have been on a daily venture of getting Tangent back in shape, Hubby has really been a support, (you know, the boot to my uh-hmmm!).. I am so incredibly
happy that he has, I mean, look!!!

I have a few more items to do, we need to "net" the peaches, and figs...  load up on more soil to complete the bed... I need to plant the onions...  I have more seeds to plant... I am just going to go plant happy...
Plant anywhere and everywhere... I want to have plants all over eggplant, peppers basil, other herbs... I want yummm and delicious scent all over the garden...

As soon as the seedlings get their true leaves I think I can plant them in the buckets.. The buckets will
have the cucumbers, and a squash, and an eggplant...

So soon Tangent will be mature and strong... Cant wait!!!

Well, whats the saying? "Off like a dirty shirt" or is it "Off like a prom dress"? whatever... Off to work more areas to plant... but first get these weeds under control... geeze

Happy Gardening

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