Tangent Gardening "Extras"

Urban Gardening in unnatural heat... Why Not?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Autumn Haze or is it?

     Autumn Haze,

    Maybe Jimmy Hendrix was in a Purple Haze and it was groovy, but I might be in a Autumn Haze and it's just, Not...

     As the week marches on, my seedlings have been doing well enough... but I still have gaps in the rows...

    Gaps...  that's right! Remember when I mentioned it? I can't believe that I have Gaps, ...In .. my .. rows...

     I was supposed to fill in the gaps last weekend... (Right?)

Nope, didn't happen, na uh! Nope,

     Lazy(?)  ummm....

     I wasn't feeling it last weekend...
I, so...was feeling the Autumn Haze...  

    What was it to not excite me?
    Not enough "what" to get myself out there?  Geeze!

     Oh, man.. it was wonderful weather too! Not to hot, a little breeze, just brilliant!... But still... Nothing!


     Well, may I say, First... I think, I was lazy! 

    No! I was lazy.
I mean, I should have been weeding and planting and well what else, seeding the rows...

     I guess, we all get those feelings well "the lazies" right! (right?)

     So I go to the local department store (you know, a big chain store that starts with a capital "L")... wandering through the garden center, I was looking for inspiration while on a mission...  at the moment life, was sure and expecting... feeling easy...

     As I kept wandering around and wandering some more, I noticed all the things that made a garden were misplaced and shoved off to the corners, and in their place these huge things of Christmas items were sitting in the middle of the isles standing infinitely tall, and overbearingly in your face with intention of making one buy things that are not needed as of yet

  ...not surprising to be okie dokked for when it's time to buy, and then it's not  there in the time of need, although the next holiday is perpetuated to follow the same process... way ahead of the schedule...

     Realizing it is the holidays, "already"... I know, most of the season stuff comes very early... I must admit that, this time of year, I kind of feel in a grumpy mood. I really don't want to celebrate when the time comes..
     It just seems as if we have been celebrating it for so long that when its here, I want it to be done with..  not that it's fair ... 

     But, it finally gets here and I feel so fake, especially when I am with friends and family celebrating... I'm in a holiday overload...
     I guess I am a little off track huh? So where was I going with this?

Oh yea!

    I was so disappointed because they already unloaded the seed selections.... How irritating it was!... I was so upset...
    I didn't even get the seeds I wanted...  I still needed carrot seeds and swiss chard...

    I was lucky to get spinach, beets, and lettuce... Oh and radish... No onions, no leeks, not anything even remotely interesting either... you know to "experiment" with... I guess that is why most smart people buy their seed from catalogs huh?

    So yea! I'm not in an Autumn Haze! There you have it!

I am lazy...

It won't be long, My cats will be doing this, if I can't stop doing the same thing... hahahaha!

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