Tangent Gardening "Extras"

Urban Gardening in unnatural heat... Why Not?

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Computer Shinanigans...


   Not really!  More like wear and tear and abuse... Yep! all me...

     I have been wanting to post... I, however, could not use my lap top until I received a new cord for it. The cord crapped out... Yep! You know, "ZZZittt... sparks, and then death to the cord..". So, I needed to let the computer sit until whalaaa... New cord, ready to be plugged in and charging... YYAY!

    Today was the first morning I really felt a nip in the air... It felt crisp, and cool, I even felt a chill enough to give me a shiver or two...  The weather is just superb!

    Tangent is getting along very well... I filled in the gaps, and I have sprouts already... Yea! The radish is beginning to sprout...  I know you can't see but they are sprouting really!

     I think I have some lettuce popping through, and

    My dearest husband, found me a new batch of carrots to plant!

One single sprout of carrots!

      Which the planting of them will happen this weekend for sure! I really want to have carrots...  and it did!

     I also filled in the beets, I have never tried to grow beets, I really have not a clue when they will be  ready to pull! But, I guess I will learn, Right!

     I planted strawberries and they love the spot! The area by the blackberry bush was quite bare so I thought what better place to put  the strawberries than under the blackberry bush, Now really? Is it a great space? I don't know! It just made since...

      I have found a great location for my grapes! There is a spot in front of the Arcadia door, it's right where I tried to grow Birdhouse Gourds...

     I think that it is a really great spot enough sun and shade and no grass to interfere... I hope to have it planted in the ground this weekend... I will be able to establish a trellis too...

     I am kind of sad though, we found some peach trees... But, one variety so far.. Flora-prince. Remember the idea I wanted to do?

     I wanted to plant three different ones in the same hole so I can have a continuous stream of  peaches until the end of June or July... Well, I don't think I will be able to accomplish that now, if I can't get those varieties at this time.. Unless I wait until spring... That just pushes it back even more to get peaches... and there is no guarantee that I will be able to get them, then either...

      But the GOOD news is I have a Peach Tree and it will be planted in the the spot where I planned in my front yard...

     My lime tree is acting up! I'm not sure why, so we decided to make a berm and  protect the trunk of it... Then have the water penetrate the drip line instead around the base of the trunk....

     The area we are trying to create is slowly coming along...

     We bought a fire pit... and consecrated it last night...

      The moon was almost full and the weather was ideal

Almost Full Moon!

Photo: Sittin by our new fire pit having a Blue Moon on an almost full moon night cant be better... At least not tonight...
Sorry a little blurry!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Autumn Haze or is it?

     Autumn Haze,

    Maybe Jimmy Hendrix was in a Purple Haze and it was groovy, but I might be in a Autumn Haze and it's just, Not...

     As the week marches on, my seedlings have been doing well enough... but I still have gaps in the rows...

    Gaps...  that's right! Remember when I mentioned it? I can't believe that I have Gaps, ...In .. my .. rows...

     I was supposed to fill in the gaps last weekend... (Right?)

Nope, didn't happen, na uh! Nope,

     Lazy(?)  ummm....

     I wasn't feeling it last weekend...
I, so...was feeling the Autumn Haze...  

    What was it to not excite me?
    Not enough "what" to get myself out there?  Geeze!

     Oh, man.. it was wonderful weather too! Not to hot, a little breeze, just brilliant!... But still... Nothing!


     Well, may I say, First... I think, I was lazy! 

    No! I was lazy.
I mean, I should have been weeding and planting and well what else, seeding the rows...

     I guess, we all get those feelings well "the lazies" right! (right?)

     So I go to the local department store (you know, a big chain store that starts with a capital "L")... wandering through the garden center, I was looking for inspiration while on a mission...  at the moment life, was sure and expecting... feeling easy...

     As I kept wandering around and wandering some more, I noticed all the things that made a garden were misplaced and shoved off to the corners, and in their place these huge things of Christmas items were sitting in the middle of the isles standing infinitely tall, and overbearingly in your face with intention of making one buy things that are not needed as of yet

  ...not surprising to be okie dokked for when it's time to buy, and then it's not  there in the time of need, although the next holiday is perpetuated to follow the same process... way ahead of the schedule...

     Realizing it is the holidays, "already"... I know, most of the season stuff comes very early... I must admit that, this time of year, I kind of feel in a grumpy mood. I really don't want to celebrate when the time comes..
     It just seems as if we have been celebrating it for so long that when its here, I want it to be done with..  not that it's fair ... 

     But, it finally gets here and I feel so fake, especially when I am with friends and family celebrating... I'm in a holiday overload...
     I guess I am a little off track huh? So where was I going with this?

Oh yea!

    I was so disappointed because they already unloaded the seed selections.... How irritating it was!... I was so upset...
    I didn't even get the seeds I wanted...  I still needed carrot seeds and swiss chard...

    I was lucky to get spinach, beets, and lettuce... Oh and radish... No onions, no leeks, not anything even remotely interesting either... you know to "experiment" with... I guess that is why most smart people buy their seed from catalogs huh?

    So yea! I'm not in an Autumn Haze! There you have it!

I am lazy...

It won't be long, My cats will be doing this, if I can't stop doing the same thing... hahahaha!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I'm A Sister.. among The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers

      I was honored with an award from a most wonderful Blogger/Author...Great writer, Friend "Why I wake up Every day"  http://unikorna.blogspot.com/ .

 I'm a sister!
      I don't know how much I earned this type of an award, but honored just the same...  I understand that I need to expel seven facts of myself then Nominated seven others... Well, I don't know what secrets to tell, and really not secrets, just things...

            hmmmmm.... Well!

*I am now on a Tangent of Cooking from Julia Child's' "Mastering the Art of French Cooking"..

*I am drowning of boredom, now that I am on break, But I have a million things to do...

*I have a fancy for very Old Black and white Movies especially Horror flicks... just bought one called "The Blob" with Steve McQueen...

*Halloween Is my favorite Holiday, but I seem to be dragging my feet in decorating what is wrong with me...

*I have been having fun with traditional old cocktails, Yummmm... with good food...

*I have a fantasy of writing a Tangent Gardening, Garden Book, may I say though "A Fantasy!"

* I also have a Family Cookbook in the Works but only "still" in the works... lol

     There all the seedy weird secrets of myself... Okay I know Boring but like I said In a boredom state of mind...

On to Nominations


     These Nominees are an inspiration and I love to visit them, so stop by and be inspired..
(I know I only listed six but these are my most favorite, along with my friend whom nominated me)

Garden Row Check-in!

     I have some work to do in the garden, some of the seeds did not take so I have gaps in the rows... errr..

The Radish Row

     Not only gaps in the rows, but the neighbor cat seems to like making little paw prints in them... which irritates me, even though it is kind of cute!

      I will be giving a good feeding session to them soon (fish fertilizer), the neighbors need a good reminder I am alive.,.. hahaha! jk

     I don't even see my carrots emerging so, yes a little worried I wont get them...

     But, Tangent has their favorite visitors Back, The Hummingbird Family.


     I  just put away huge amount of Bell peppers away, I froze them. I pluck all of them from the plants and prepped them yesterday... I got one  bag, and a quart bag of banana peppers... and Five quart bags of bell peppers

So there it is...

On my way to getting Tangent growing in the gaps...  Let us see what can be done! hahaha!

Congrats to the new Nominees...

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