I will be going out this evening to see if I see the infamous Stink Bugs... Yesterday was still a hub of activity with a lot of my flying insects. I worry about the bee activity though... It is detrimental to them, when such poison is forced upon the plants. Don't spray on flowering plants if you can help it! Mainly for the bee population.. It is dwindling as we speak. In case some one really didn't realize, bee charming isn't what it used to be. My part didn't help either.
So here is to turning to a leaf as it were... I will absolutely try my best in not using such poison again!!!
Lettuce Trial Continuation...

As the days go on they are getting terribly hot.
Today's temperature is suppose to reach a high of 116° with a 10% chance of rain...
Talk about watching out for the.....
It begins at 10:00 a.m.
So if I do any work outdoors then it must be early morning and later evening...
I hope this doesn't push back my plans of setting seeds and getting my compost organized..
Well, since I have the compost pile pulled from the wall then I guess I can turn it at the same time.
When I pulled the pile from the wall, it had some beautiful organic soil ready to be used, see.... look!!!

Completely rich, can't wait!
Worked on the compost, turned it gave it some water. Will do so again in short while. On to my new hot spot... Ready to install the lattice, then turn that soil, and last to set the seed... Hooray!
A real find to share!
Okay! I found a web site or blog maybe, not sure which ... very helpful...
Even though some people do not like bugs, Ok! ok! Most people don't like bugs, but I find that this site is incredibly informational and intriguing to say the least...
Check it out if you dare! It is really creepy, but cool!!!!
One more Tangent:
K, so since I live in an urban development, people take certain things for granted, as do I! I know this...
I am a pet lover. I have cats, I keep them inside. I feel letting them out would put them in harms way, and not only, create havoc on things for others, like make messes on your clean car, disturb your wild bird yard, and do things to your garden that shouldn't be done, etc...
Here is a question, for you!
Are you a person that feels cats should have the freedom to be out or to have them stay inside?
What do you think?
Inquiring minds want to know!