It's time to do the proverbial get off the pot thing...
I have been working on some plans for my garden.. I feel I have come up with thoughts that might be do able...
During my hiatus, I was struggling with what I really wanted... Do I keep gardening? Do I just read up and wait? Do I write more or less?
Does anyone even really read my blog? Do I even mind if no-one really does? I think writing for me is an outlet. You know, keeping record, learn from my mistakes... So this will be a commitment to my self... Write, write, write.... learn learn learn.... post,post,post....
...If there is some sort of spell to keep me focused, please enlighten me...
I'm thinking of this theory,
Raised Beds
The raised bed look will be something like this...
I think two possibly three will fit in my garden space...
I think it might help with my squash bug problem...
I can transport them if I were to move...
I will be able to make themes, like a salsa garden, or nightshade, three sisters etc... unlimited thoughts.
All my plans should commence in January...
*1. Clean garden space out
Spread mulch in area
Position troughs
Lay watering system with timer in
During my winter break I will be making these plans happen, I then will be making up my themes
of what to plant and seed...
On to sorting out my favorite plants and seeds for the spring planting season...
Here is to New beginnings and the end to this crossroad...