Tangent Gardening "Extras"

Urban Gardening in unnatural heat... Why Not?

Sunday, January 29, 2012


     Okay no excuses, I had not done much in the garden lately... I let my work life pretty much take it's toll this week.  I, however, am  reading my three NEW CATALOGS!!! 

     Can you tell, I am way to excited...I have done nothing but fantasized over what I could put in my little back yard... Of course, reality sets in and I come back to earth... realizing that I can only do so much to create the space of my dreams, a little at a time...
     Do you know that I tagged each and every item to see how much I pretend to spend... One catalog, That was The Territorial Seed Companywww.territorialseed.com. I spent over $400.00... Whew, That was one sitting... ha ha ha! No, but really, I can only get a few things to contribute to my tangent thinking...

     But I do want to tell you about this one catalog. I just got it about a day or so ago... This catalog is fabulous, as you skim through, it gives you the feeling of, going back in time some, when news print was the way of life... kind of Victorian glamor, all pictures are illustrated and  designed to give an appearance, like a sears catalog... When, I was oh, about 6 or 7, my grandmother would get these huge shopping books from department stores, and us grand kids would sit for hours and look through them for the coolest toys and clothes. We would make a list of items we all would like for Christmas or what ever holiday that was of the time...  I have done nothing but look through this catalog like that moment when I was that little girl again.. So this One is called....
      R.H. Shumway's. www.rhshumway.com/. 

If you get a chance to request a catalog, try this one tooo...


Honey! I'm home...

     As the night was winding down,  I was waiting for my hubby to get home from work... I had dinner all ready for him, staying warm in the microwave...  I was watching a little bit of T.V.
     I heard the front door open. My furry kids were alert wondering if it was Daddy...  All four of us were glued to to the stairs waiting to see who it was coming up. Well, lo & behold... it was dad... no real surprise though right!?!   As he was waling towards me he had something in his hands out stretched, extending to me... Can you guess what it was, NO!, of course not,...  Oh!...silly me...  But I will tell you!

    A Blackberry  Bush.... Yes! How cool is that!!!  Okay, maybe not so much for you guys and gals... But for me... WOW!!!  I love that man of mine...

    I have a problem though, I have no idea of how to cultivate this berry bush... I want to put it in a container...  I know that I have research to do...  I did however get a couple of facts down, about putting it in a container...  I know that they are heavy feeders, and that I need to prune the limbs that I would harvest the blackberries off of... I know they are perennial...  This particular one has no thorns... yay for me!!! It is also two years old and that is when they will start to produce berries...  Pretty good so far!  huh?


A little while back I planted some lettuce.  I really didn't think that it would come to anything... I thought that I would experiment and see if it would work.  Well, surprise it really did... It is just beautiful and I can't wait to make a salad. I do need to buy some tomatoes among other things...

But Popcorn-corn chicken salad... yummmm! That sounds like a delish meal....

Goldfish  heavennnn!!

Remember my tank dilemma, I have fixed it and and the magnificent trio is happy as can be...

  The Three Amigos....

     Butter thinks that he would like to have dinner, as much as he is jumpin at them... but His belly is always full so that shouldn't be happening any time soon..

Last Minute Things...
     The garden border has been sprayed and the dirt will be tilled one more time next week-end to make rows.. and I will be commencing the seed plant ceremony.... I absolutely can't wait... If  I plant now!!! (well, this weekend) I counted about 70 days away, I should be able to begin harvest of quite a few things, if I did everything correctly, ha ha ha!  That would be about Mid-April..... Can't wait....

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award...

The Most coolest thing...

From my most favorite blog Why I Wake up Every Day… 

Thank-you for thinking of me in your list of nominations  The Versatile Blogger Award... You are a very unique and intriguing human being... You make people think (well me mostly)... I like your encouragement and the conviction of personal plights...  The Rule say that I should name 15 fellow bloggers, in truth, I can only come up with what is listed as of yet!

The rules of this award say that: In a post on your blog, nominate 15 fellow bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.
  1. In the same post, add the Versatile Blogger Award.
  2. In the same post, thank the blogger who nominated you in a post with a link back to their blog.
  3. In the same post, share 7 completely random pieces of information about yourself.
  4. In the same post, include this set of rules.
  5. Inform each nominated blogger of their nomination by posting a comment on each of their blogs.

1.  When I cook, I don’t like to taste my food first, I wait to see what others think.
2.  The first book I ever remember reading is Alice in Wonderland...
3.  My dream is to have property with chickens and goats
4   I battle Lupus and Fibromyalgia, since 2004, been well from 2007 until present
5.  I love to Crochet; I make my own dish cloths
6.  I love to sing in my car when I’m driving alone especially when the Doors or Fleetwood Mac songs are playing
7.  I ask to be moved when I have to neighbor people with babies in restaurants. I know, a little rude, but if I’m paying to eat at a place, I would like some peace to eat my meal. 

Here are the blogs that I suggest that should receive the versatile award...

Jane for the incredible humor and passion she shows for her blogger friends

Sara you have the most incredible information on herbs, you are an inspiration

Chad I love the insight and perspective conveyed through the garden you write

http://thesagebutterfly.blogspot.com/ Sage, The most amazing photos, I love to see every time... 

http://threedogsinagarden.blogspot.com/ I can only think of how I want my gardens to look when I see yours

http://naturallycuriouswithmaryholland.wordpress.com/  I can’t wait each and every time I see this sight come up I love nature and you show it in the most raw form.

I truly hope this is how it is done, I have never received this type of thing before... If, I, in some way, am confused and don't know what I am doing, Please know that I do mean what is said for the comments on each blog. Each one is a true inspiration to me, and I'm very sure to others. 

Thank you  Unikorna,
congrats to all...

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