Tangent Gardening "Extras"

Urban Gardening in unnatural heat... Why Not?

Friday, June 8, 2012

amazing is??

      Updates on these silly cucumbers...

What is up Cucumbers? Huh?

I have given the soil good food, and you guys a lot of water, and I am still not with cucumbers....

     Oh wait a minute!  Look! I see One!  Yay! 

     Oh, Look Another One! Wow! That makes two! hahaha!     Finally....

     It took some time didn't it!

     I can't believe that I have a few this go around... I certainly hope that their taste is not bitter this season!

     But they do make lovely plants though...


     The Compost was so.... um...

      How does one describe Dirt?
      Lets' see..... DIRTY....

     I used Four bucketfuls.  It was a-m-a-z-i-n-g!!!   I can't wait to dig in it again!

     Okay the nerd self stepped out... But, it is a wonderful feeling when you have labored to get something made with quality  and quantity....

     I also have a bonus..... Look I have an Eggplant, growing out of the bin itself... Doesn't this mean that the compost is nutrient and successful... Oh, man! The joy of success in something made with bare hands...

     Even if those silly cucumbers don't want to do anything!!! HA! in your face... cucumbers...!

      I have plucked some carrots and they are amazing!! Yes! Yet, again, I am singing "the AMAZING song!!!"

     Next to these incredible carrots, I have the chili peppers. They were supposed to be yellow bell peppers... Well, they're yellow alright!

     I haven't the foggiest on what to do with them... So I will be thinkin' about it again!

     But in the mean time,  I am going to make Carrot Confiture.   There is a recipe that I made awhile back, I also posted what I did...  I have the recipe and steps in that post...  Carrots and a New Recipe

     Oh emge... It was sooo good. I made about three jars of this stuff and I couldn't get enough... so that is on the menu...

      I have been getting the most delicious Zucchini... I am most happy with this seasons harvest.... I will be making Zucchini bread and Jelly along with above recipes... I have fried zucchini and also stuffed zucchini so far... and so far there has been no displeasure... How could there be? With such yumminess, Right?

      I have been getting ALOT of tomatoes...
 YAY!!! Can you feel the excitement!!

      It pays to do research doesn't it?

     I mean of all the times I have been trying out tomatoes and failed attempts prevailed...  I have found the right ones for the desert environment...  Thank YOU.... George...

Project Update!!!

     So Project Update!!

     Here is the start!

     We have the Orange Jubilee in the ground...

     It have been A WEEK already can you believe it!!!   We will be working on getting them to a GiNORMOUS  Size ....  Then the next thing will be a Gate behind that big bush pictured to the top right... I can't wait to get that in for sure....

The gate to be...

The Celebrities of the Garden!!

     So Some of my favorite flowers are showing off! I wanted to share...  Sunflowers are to me... so happy and proud... They worship the sun... so elegantly!!!!

     These colors are so uplifting...They sing, "party time!!!"

Party Time!!... Or  Fiesta!!!

     Then of course the Four O' Clocks, well they are early risers and do not want to be bothered during the day... they work so hard to be this pretty so they do need their beauty sleep do they not?

      So, as I make my bread and jam, I will be sharing along... I can't wait to get started. Enjoy the day...
Happy Gardening...

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