Tangent Gardening "Extras"

Urban Gardening in unnatural heat... Why Not?

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Omg! Invasions Everywhere!

     I have been kind of laxed with keeping my eyes on my garden. No, particular reason... Just the thought that everything was happy and  "looking" healthy made me feel a bit secure!

     Now, when one thinks plants looking green, fluffy, tall and sprouting, it doesn't necessarily mean that every thing is at it's best.

For instance...

     I have caterpillars everywhere!


That's right!
The caption says, "This isn't dirt your looking at!"

    They are IN my lettuce, eating my eggplant leaves, on my orange jubilee, and bougainvillea, Jeeze!
 But, the "good part" is that they are all different types... loppers, horned ones, and they ones I mentioned in the last post...

Missing leaves

     You know!... Gardening is a constant battle! And I know this!
I have to admit though, my defensive action just is not up to par!

      I'm so amazed about the needs and greed that nature exudes... I mean, it seems to me that it's always all or nothing... blooms come and go sometimes in the same day. Insects live sometimes in a 24 hr period,  born, develop, lay eggs, then die...

     But why is it that I can't seem to stay in tune with the needs of nature?... 
I guess making assumptions seems to be MY down fall!

     I don't want to spray icky stuff on them, so I am going to pour soap water to get rid of the pests... Let's see if that will help...

Chili Spray
     Use fresh or dried chillies and blend one cup of dried or 2 cups of fresh chillies with two cups of water. Spray fresh. This will kill caterpillars.

Chilli Soap Spray


8-10 chillies (fresh or dried)

4 cloves garlic, diced

2 tablespoons soap flakes


Combine chillies, garlic, soap flakes and about a liter of water in a saucepan. Bring to the boil, and then allow to cool. Decant mixture into a glass jar and set aside for 24 hours. Sieve and pour into a spray bottle.

The chilli and garlic in this mix with discourage leaf-eating bugs. The soap flakes act as a surfactant – helping the chilli and garlic oils to stick to the leaves.

A word of warning: although this spray is non-toxic, it’s worth keeping away from children, pets and husbands. I’d also advise not spraying on windy days.

I found this recipe on a site called,  Veggie Mama 


Garlic Spray
     Soak four garlic cloves for several days in one liter of cold water, and then blend. This will kill ants, caterpillars and cabbage worms.
A stronger brew can be made by using hot water and adding several red peppers, ground up, and adding two tablespoons of pure soap to help the spray stick. Use spray when solution has cooled .

Pepper Sprinkle
     Any kind of pepper sprinkled on wet leaves will protect them from caterpillars.

These are from this site...


There were many more to choose from, I just selected a couple that really pertain to me!

Now to choose the right one to use!  I am leaning to the chili spray, I have plenty of jalapenos to use so maybe that one to start!

Weather is changing for the desert,

It rained last night, I feel a chill in the air..  Is this a beginning of fall? 
Got ol' faithful out and it's time to catch -up on what George has to say!

So with book in hand and weapons at reach, I march on to destroy the enemy!

Happy Gardening and Veterans Day!!!!!

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