Tangent Gardening "Extras"

Urban Gardening in unnatural heat... Why Not?

Friday, January 4, 2013

To Resolute or not to Resolute!


     A burning dislike of mine, is to have resolutions. Should I be this way?  I mean it is a good thing to work towards and have goals. RIGHT?
     What happens if the goals aren't reached?  I do feel like I let myself down, and not to mention anyone else down that know and support me, if not reached... I have such a huge list if I were to make resolutions..

    1)  Complete the cocktail garden
    2)  Tangent revamped
    3)  Eat healthier
    4)  Work out more
    5)  Tighten my spending
    6)  Keep my journals
    7)  Write a cookbook (?) Bahhhhaaa)
    8)  Get a more agreeable job
    9)  Be more forgiving   
  10)  Etc.... etc... etc...
Future Cocktail Garden!!!
        Well, I can keep going all day long, I mean who couldn't? My worst is to not complete my projects...  So really, if I were to choose to have a resolution...  I would probably say or go with, the thought of.... Be braver in the garden, I really get phobic about what will grow, what makes me think will grow and what won't... Like my row of carrots, peas, so many other unnamed under accomplishments...

      I have also come  across  a 20 question reflection list... I mean should I even try to remember what really happened through the months of 2012?  That would be  # 6) keep my journals!
Where I wouldn't really have to reflect so much.

      All in all I can say that the greatest thing that we decided on was to stay put in our Lakeview home.  

      Until, Yep! I said UNTIL, the deal we couldn't pass up, came at us of course at the most inconvenient time.
I don't know about you, but that is the life we lead everything comes at the most dreadful moments.  
      We have decided to purchase a nice little lot in Northern AZ, In the town of Show Low... Yes, we did it and now I have a challenge waiting for me when the time comes to move there, not for awhile, thank goodness, my mind is already overwhelmed.

*The true meaning of resolution for me!*

      So back to the original question, "To Resolute or Not to Resolute?"  For me, I think that I have a better thought. I feel looking back keeps me from moving forward, simple reason of all the hind-sights, and what ifs....
      Moving forward and be grateful for how far I've come, even if it is a step or two... It is a step or two Right? That accomplishes something!

     To all those who visits Tangent Gardening,  I hope that you have the most incredible coming year so much that it treats you with love and joy, plus some!

     Thank you for reading and visiting, 

Happy 2013 New Year!!! 

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