Look who was lurking around our neighborhood! Every now and then we get to see "The Roadrunner."
My daughter went to check the mail and called me one afternoon. She said so excited like, "Mom, I think that there is a roadrunner out here!" I thought she was pulling my leg..
The day before we spotted the roadrunner, She yelled "look it's a roadrunner!" Well she was being goofy and pointed to my work shirt... I work at a school and the mascot is the roadrunner. We both were looking outside, when she said that, so of course, I jump and said "Where?" Well, she just laughed and had a good ol'time seeing me react to her joke! LOL! Well, I laughed too... But how funny to have such a coincidence happen like that huh?
I had to share it with ya!
I have the first Tomato growing in the Front yard garden!! Every time I see a new "something" evolving in the garden I get so excited.. This is on the Solar Fire Tomato plant...
And to join, look here, This cute little flower! To make an amazing entrance
"The Pepper! Anaheim that is!"
Taa Daa!!!
Purple Opal
This one is just so pretty to see everyday! Such deep purple in the center and light green surrounding! I have this one in the pot!
Bouncing around the garden, Look at the size of the "The BHG" (bird house gourd)...
Well I only get one this time around, pesky Aphids!!! But One is good enough for me right Now!!!
Aphids doing my squash in!
I'm guessing that I won't have my little scallop squash.. I think the Aphids beat me again! I have such an on going battle with them, I just don't know what to do...
My funny little "Hitchcock Birds" They were all waiting for their food on the roof top!!
Always waiting,
Gosh such a hungry bunch!!
Look at my Eggplant Mania
This was the recent batch picked. This time I had to share with some of my work friends! Of course that was the best thing ever. They loved how cute they looked! And of course they were very tasty!
Look at these! I have really great batch coming, fajitas here they come!!! They are getting so heavy that it's bending the plant over..
Heirloom Pear Tomatoes
They are green now, but just wait until they turn yellow! I've got a bunch coming!
Candy!! Candy!! Candy!!
Halloween is in 11 more days!! (well was)
My little Halloween town! Thought I would share I have trees that I put in the town too but, My Piglet Loves to get on the table (which is a NO! NO!) and chew on them for some crazy idea!
Goofy Kitty!
Halloween Town is for the People!