Tangent Gardening "Extras"

Urban Gardening in unnatural heat... Why Not?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What do you see?

     What do you see  first, when you walk out your back door?  

                    Do you see a beautifully planted pot, or could it be a shady location of a comfy chair under your favorite tree? Maybe a happy patio decorated with vibrant colors of your favorite flowers, like roses, inpatients, geraniums, and daisies.

      I can only invision the beauty of others views...     
                     I have tried to make a view of my own.
I, on the other hand, couldn't get my vision completed... So the next step was to do something pretty and useful.   How does one define useful... Is it something to eat? Is it something to use? Or could it be pleasing to the eye?   This led up to the decision of planting BHGs (bird house gourds).  I really thought that I would get tons of gourds and a magic view of watching them grow before my eyes.

     Take a moment, just before stepping through  the view of your back door, enter outside and take that deep breath and smile, because maybe the view is looking back at you saying what in the H E double hockey sticks are you thinking, letting me look like this....

      If it weren't for the aphids, I think that they would actually be full and thick with many gourds to work with...

     Alas, I still have the one beautiful Bird House Gourd ....


             A Very Old plant that keeps on KICKIN'

           I planted this vine during the begining of summer, and I thought then it wouldn't survive,
    But SURPRISE!!!

    Look at it....
                        Summer Squash that never wanted to do anything, it even looks like it has something wrong with it. It is very pale and silvery, and nothing would come from the hundereds of flowers it bloomed to try and attract insectes to make summer squash babies...

       Then, I step out side to take some snap shots and see what was going on in Tangent, 

Lo and Behold and look what I see....  

                                         Isn't it the craziest thing, A squash... It's like the little engine that could...


Green Bean Crazy!!!


   I did say, I had an incredible first havest the other day, I made a wonderful dish with dinner...

       The crop is still going,  and I will be going out to collect more beans and maybe I will make a salad with them next...

                      Aren't they gorgeous? NO APHIDS hahahaha! (yet!)


             REMEMBER the VIEW!!!????

   So, I was panning through the pictures and I found this one...
 Just before the BHG's  started off, 

                            The view of a morning in a very warm Tangent Garden...


A recent view of a whithered Tangent Garden in a cooler evening...

    I am always amazed with before and after pictures....

      Have You Ever Seen Radish Flowers???

                  I have never thought that they could be so simply beautiful....


     My carrot patch is doing marvelously, but if you look closely, there is a tomato plant and basil, and a marigold flower growing in with them...

      I wonder though if the carrots well not do well because of the "intruders"!

I can't wait to see what the carrots look like...

      They should be purple and white and almost red like... Fun!!!  HUH???

             So, here is a picture that I thought was very calm and serene...

                                 I think you'll like it tooo!

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