Tangent Gardening "Extras"

Urban Gardening in unnatural heat... Why Not?

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Green House Project...

     Sometime ago, I mentioned how I want to  use my shed as  a "Green House"...
Over the week-end I started cleaning out my shed... I took everything out, every last scrap of dirt... I wanted to start over in it...
 Threw all things that didn't belong away. I was very excited to see such a big space.

Then the du du du dAAHHH!!!  I came across a thought, a problematic moment of now, I have no space to work.. no place to pot up my seedlings, no place to test theories, no place to, well work!!

     A thought of where to work and be organized in the "Green House."

     The other thing too is that I will need to put up a grow light of sorts.. If I have a grow light, I will need to get a warming mat too.. But I have two lights that put off warmth and light for now, until I get the right set-up...
     There are times,   I think how cool it would be, like "Martha Stuart." Totally organized, professional, and the endless amount of money that could be the driving force behind the success of such projects.
 *Wouldn't that be the "bomb diggitty!!"*

Goals OR Is it New Years Resolution?!!

     I think my goal, or maybe My New Year Resolution is to get organized. 
So my list consists of ....
  1. Get garden cured of infestations...
  2. Feed soil enriched with minerals and organic materials
  3. "Green house" setting in full force
  4. Push self to learn about plants out of the norm, and Latin names...
  5. Leave #5 for something new... 

      Over the past few weeks I have joined and communicated to what it seems like a dozen different sites. All with great information and photos, and wonderful, intriguing people, but life would be so much less complicated if there was a place that has a one stop shop (if you will) to  find everything and anything else possible to be of help to us Gardeners...
*Well, one can think and like the thought can't one!*

JOBS! JOBS and More JOBS!!

I have many jobs to do...

      Weeds, OMG! The weeds are of aplenty in nature, for sure... Where ever I go to read on "how or the best way to get things done", I come across this, to get rid of weeds "Use boiling water" from a tea kettle!

(What?) really? 

Well, here I go!  Lets see if this works!

If it does! OMG! Hallelujah!!!
So, I'll let you know how it worked!!

***I have some other things to do, but it's mainly clean up, cutting back, and pulling out!

     I think the Green Beans will be ready for another harvest but, that will probably be it! I will be pulling  them and nourish the ground for the next planting. While talking about that area, I want to make that part a little bigger, so I have to get an idea of what formation to make in that area. It is such a cramped area...

Peanut and Piglet!!

     I have to say that these two spirited kitties are getting along better and better..  A little time ago, Piglet came down ill, not sure if it was that she had eaten something or got what Peanut had, an upper respiratory infection from the pound... We have had many vet visits since seeing the vet the first time around... When my little Mina was put to rest... Piglet was grieving so much that she compromised her immune system to the extent of much weight loss and sick stomach.. She will be going to the vet too.. She is coming around though and eating again and playing as if she was a 5 month old kitten too..

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