Tangent Gardening "Extras"

Urban Gardening in unnatural heat... Why Not?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The Concept of putting Tangent to Bed?

    Now Halloween Is over, boo for me.. because that is my favorite time of the year... A new concept has made itself known to me!

     Putting Tangent to bed...
                                            this seems unrealistic to me right now!  

     I have plants growing still, it is getting cold outside... Last night it got down to 46 degrees. This is really drastic, especially when two days before, we were still in the 70's for the lows at night... 

A huge mess..

Basil bent over in front of the green beans

Well so much for the pumpkin!!

More basil by the peppers

the center pepper plant

the front pepper plant
Friday night we had a cold front come in, and it stormed "big time." I mean, I really thought that it was going to  break my windows in..      I went to on my yard the next morning, Tangent looked like it went through the wringer.. plants layin down, birds looked worse for wear, trying to get warm from the sun...

A family of pigeons that live on the neighbors house, trying to get warm before night-fall...

    Now it's time to put everything to bed.. Well I think not!!! 

      I still have peppers growing and tomatoes basil eggplants and green beans too!

     But when it is time to put Tangent to bed, I will be pulling everything and working that soil until that soil springs forth, Yelling, "Okay, I give up you win, everything you plant here, will grow and be productive and beautiful...."

     Quite sometime ago I acquired a compost bin from the city.. I was so excited to get this bin, I wasn't thinking about the things like Oops! time to turn, or something to that effect!

     So I have this, hands in the air waving like I just don't care thing going on... well not really! I do care, I just don't know what to do about it.

     How do I turn the compost now?

     Does anyone feel the pressure of the Holidays? 

     It's time for Thanksgiving here (already). I really wish that we had more time to catch up on things, before the big dinner, the Christmas festivities, I'm not ready to do any decorating, I just took all my Halloween decor down... Christams is not my favorite time of year.. I like the begining and end of fall, and the begining and end of spring.. Don't get me wrong, I love to be around family and friends at this time.. (winter).. Hot Cocoa, roasting marshmellows, and well, the smell of baked goods...
But what really sux.... IS!!!

           MOST OF ALL... 

 No Garden for Tangent!!

Until about March.... So I have been trying to come up with a way to use my shed as a Green house of sorts.. It's dark and hard to move about, but It's got to work...

 So my contemplation of a working Green House Shed is in play and research and clean-up to bring on the new Tangent of 2012!!!!!....

Last I leave you with a picture of the beautiful Eggplant Flower!!!  The nightshade family!

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