As I keep on the path of my project "to do's," even though I am behind, from our recent rains...
I cleaned up my gate path area,
and moved my garlic chives...
From there to here...
Tilling happened ... which means, planting my Fig happened...
And tilling looks amazing from my extremely hard working hubby...
And now it looks like this .....
Gorgeous or what!!!!
(Well, I'll tell you a secret, hubby did almost all of the back breaking stuff...)
Tree Choosing!!!
I haven't decide on the other two tree as of yet, I still wish for a Almond tree but I really can't find the spot to put one.
Shoot, I really don't know where to put the grapevine!..
But, I think one of those thoughts will be a orange tree for the front yard...
So I mentioned the Peach tree scenario before,
I want to get three varieties, "desert gold" "Florida Prince" and "Earli Grand"....
Needless to say I can't wait to plant these peach trees... But,
I recently visited a local Nursery, Harpers Nursery... That is where I purchased my fig tree and grapevine...
First I have to say, they have a real informational blog for this environment... When I visited the nursery, the people were friendly, absolutely not pushy, and they have free classes from time to time...
I enjoyed this place very much, I couldn't scout the entire site, because I was hobbling broke toe still, but, what I did experience, gave a homey and friendly feel..
The reason I mentioned this Nursery, It has the idea of planting all three peach trees in the same hole... It has a diagram of how to proceed with this style on their web site... Not only this can be done with peach, but also with fig or citrus...
Have any ideas yet?
If I had the space I would be doing this all over the place...
Hopefully the beginning of Oct. will be the time for planting...
Time is ticking...
I feel like the the character Alice, in the movie, "Alice in Wonderland", chasing the white rabbit all the while it shouting " I'm late, I'm late, I'm late.... for a very important date..." And hearing the Red Queen, shouting at anything that lived, off with their head...! Whew!
It is already the middle of the month... I have not been able to do my planting... I'm running out of time for planting stuff, thanks to Mother Nature, not that I'm ungrateful though for the rain she beseeched upon us... it just made time very much short.. So Next week will be the planting of seeds...
I have the idea of a few things to put to seed... I want carrots, spinach, lettuce, and green onion... I want to try my hand in beets, and also add some radish... And come up with some other things maybe...
Over by the blackberries I want to plant strawberries... probably under them and around them...
I have along my patio wall to clean up and decide what to plant, I still have my jalapeƱos.. and they are glorious...
So that is where I am at, and what I've been doing...
Next week will be my seed planting party... for fall, you know... well, if you count one person having a party!
Yep! that's me!
Party on... yo!
Happy Gardening...
P.S. I have a visiting guest hanging out...
Seems quite sure of itself just hanging on the wall like that!
Very brave with Mr. Meanies Family living around this part of the yard!