Tangent Gardening "Extras"

Urban Gardening in unnatural heat... Why Not?

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Planting more items

Saturday,   June 18
   So after my rant of the heat, what do I do? I go outside in the heat and do some cleaning... Wheeew! It is toasty out now.
   I now have a new area to put plants, but I'm not sure what will work. I have to be clear of what to put in this space. It will get full sun, from about 9:00am to about 7:00pm.  The circulation of air, well lets just say it is a mini version of a convection oven. Arizona, as we all know, is not forgiving.

   I want to plant more lettuce, and green onions. (succession planting anyone?)

   I wonder if the weather is too much for them, will the lettuce "bolt" or even become seedlings?  Curious minds want to know.
  So here comes the experiment time. I want to plant the lettuce in containers. This means I should have already started them from seed. (Oh my).  If I do this, it will be easier to harvest and won't take up so much space. But, will the watering be efficient or even effective? Hmm, what to do!

   The dilemma for the day, to plant or not to plant that is the question?

   I would like to use everything  that I grow in recipes. Cooking could be part of the ranting that goes on here too. Now the other question is, will it taste great or not taste great, at least you will be along for the ride. Or ready to laugh along if it isn't good..

   I will be making some salsa with the tomatoes I have picked. Oops! no cilantro so I guess I have to pick some up at the grocery store. After going to the grocery store, they do not have cilantro either.. so I need to
figure out how to grow it with out it going to seed so fast! Any ideas???? Don't be shy on any tricks to keep it growing consistently, I use it alotttt!
 Three things to work on

 1. Lettuce
 2. Green Onions
 3. Cilantro
And so I begin...

 More tomorrow!



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