Tangent Gardening "Extras"

Urban Gardening in unnatural heat... Why Not?

Monday, August 15, 2011

Fried Eggplant

    Fried Eggplant was amazing. We made fried eggplant with dinner the other night. I used a beer batter, that was the easiest batter I have ever made.

    I used 1 cup of flour, tsp- pepper, tsp- salt, a pinch of ancho chili pepper, tsp-of garlic powder, 1 1/2 cups of beer, and one egg... easy peasy...
I sliced the eggplant in about 1/4 in thick slices. We all pretty much agreed that peeling them would be better, but not necessary. Dunk them in the batter.  Deep fry them at 350 degree oil.

   Eat with ranch or condiment of choice...  Perfect on a weekend fry day!!!

 Speaking of eggplant: Something to share!!

   As I gathered the eggplant to use, I gathered a very good amount of them..

   Quite a harvest for the day, huh? But..... do you notice one that looks well a bit unusual?

   I grabbed one that really was ummm, unique.. As you will see, My mind was at a blank for a moment, and well a bit gutterish too.. and then stumped...

   So with no further aduex,


   Well, we all had fun with it. Then we ate it with complete happiness.

Tangent gets a trim!!

    So I got tired of the crazy mess that tangent became, since I wasn't so dedicated in the pruning that I should have done. I decided to just do it!!! And here it is...

    It seems my bell peppers liked it, because they revealed a bell pepper to me, can't wait to pluck it...

Nice huh? Just a few more days, it will be in my harvest bowl.... yumm!

 Bird House Gourds!!!  

    The bird house gourds are growing like crazy... They don't know which way to go!! ha ha!!
 I think I may need to come up with a better plan to help them with the climbing...


To Grow a Seed Or Not To Grow A Seed... 

             That Is The Question???

I thought that I would try to sprout some seeds, I have three in mind...

              Plum seeds



For the plum seeds - On hand right now I am thinking of these, out of the three...

   I need to let them dry for about a week or two. I then need to choose a location that is sunny and well  drained with loamy soil.  I plant the seeds 4 inches deep, below the surface. After planted, I water for 10 minutes, gently in the morning and water in the evening for 10 minutes... I'll do this for the first 3 days...
I then will water every other day in the morning for two weeks. I will reduce the watering for twice a week.
   I need to keep the soil moist, not soupy...

    In about three week through this process, It should have emerged. After it emerged, two weeks later, I will do a little miracle grow, according to the box instructions...  Last, when the plant is two years old, I will replant...

      Easy enough!! Maybe!!

   I looked this up, and found it on a site, called tip-nuts... I hope that this works, It has already been proven that I'm crazier than well you!!!!

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