As my day starts, I really rely on my lists, neurotic maybe, but aren't we in same way with something, After all, wasn't it said, I am crazier than well you know!!! lol, ...
It starts off like this...
1. coffee (maybe the pot if sleep was lousy the night before)
2. feed the Hitchcock birds (I say that, because, they "all" line up ready for the attack)
3. evaluate "what needs to be done" in the garden
4. freak out,.... because the list is so long, I have no time to even get one thing done, much less
what is on the list...
Usually, I get ready for work and leave early. The light is just coming when I have to leave, I can't see much before then. So working in the garden isn't much of an option. I then, come home in late afternoon, the sun is up high, the heat is too intense. I can't do much then either...
I do get about an hour in the evening, if I am not to tired from my intense day... I snap pictures, pick weeds and water things...
After all that, after being in the heat, and picking and pulling and digging and moving...
I still have a sense of over-whelmingness, but I walk inside to cool off, drink some water, and to think... even after all that, I feel good and happy... What craziness is that?!!
But if that is the craziness I get, I will take it just to have the feeling of good and happy...
Weather Update
So today, Mother Nature is playing around again, she has the clouds, and the winds, and dust, but you guessed it... NO rain! I find it funny, so many people, are enduring the wrath of Hurricane Irene. AND, I am complaining about no rain... good grief....
***Hot and Humid *6:15 p.m. 110 degrees still... heat advisory still happening until Monday 8:00 p.m.***
Soon the weather will break and my over-whelmingness will be even more intense. But to think that I will get the good and happy feeling with the same intensity. Priceless....
This morning
The old cucumber bed was dug and turned.. (about freaking time huh!!!) Guess What I found? From long past planting...
Onions that were planted a few years ago... Okay, well, two bulbs only... but what a crazy gift from the garden. I'll take it... ha- ha- ha...
I planted ...
1. Kaleidoscope Carrots...
2. White bush scallop squash
3. Radish sparklers
Then in the midst of raking and turning through some of the other beds, I was halted... My tools are seeing some age and wear and tear... Most to my carelessness, by leaving them sit out in the elements of heat and sun..
My rake and 4 prong rake heads pulled out from it's handle... oh hum and sigh!! I can be so silly sometimes....
I am in hopes of finding a couple of nice tools when I go to my local hardware store soon..
These annoying little creatures are still around, so I need to get some insecticidal soap to spray on the leaves of my Gourds and Pumpkins. They are stressed and the bugs can tell...
My gourds are doing well but the aphids are relentless, it looks like I will get at least three gourds so far... I do see a couple of flowers for the pumpkins, I hope that I do get some for Halloween, that is my favorite holiday, as well as Thanksgiving.... So here it is in need of (medical need)...
I found this formula some where!?!?, I am going to give it a go...
Mix three parts lukewarm water with one part horticultural or vegetable oil. Add a couple of drops of laundry or dish soap to make the formula more effective. It also said not to spray it on plants when it's hot it increases the intensity of the sun and heat and it can hurt the plant...
So I will be running off to the store, so I can plant a couple of other seeds in the beds I started to work and turn, and was thwarted, which I think it will be cabbage and broccoli since the seeds didn't take the first time, and maybe some flowers of sorts... hmmm!