Tangent Gardening "Extras"

Urban Gardening in unnatural heat... Why Not?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Out of Control!!! Well Not really!! But.....

   So this morning I made it to the local hardware store, I got my tools.... Hooray!

   I wanted to get started right on to my digging and turning the next bed, but... I checked on my pumpkin and it  needed that mix for Out of control Aphid pests quite badly... I took about 30 minutes just spraying the leaves of my pumpkins. That plant had them everywhere. I was so upset.  Now, I have to wait to spray my gourds. The sun and heat will surely not be nice to them if I sprayed them...

   So, I hope that this mix will work well enough... 3 parts water 1 part veg oil and couple drops of soap...

   I  tried the  formula on my pumpkin, I think that the veggie oil was a bit much. It stressed it out. The heat of the day made the leaves stress completely. They show this oily translucent look about them.  Then the leaves became droopy. If I apply this again to my plants, I will not use the oil in the solution.


I made the batter before I realized, to take pictures.

 To start:

1. one box of chocolate cake
2. Follow the oil and egg directions NO Liquid, though
3. one can of cherry filling - I use a 21 oz can.

   Mix the cake mix, eggs and oil, first. Then add in the cherry filling so you don't break the cherries and mix again gently, bake to the box instructions. I like the 8 in rounds so that I have the layered effect.

   I also put the cakes in the fridge too cool. It helps keep the cake moist. Then frost as you would your typical layered cake.

Kitty Kat Menace

   Of all places, why does the cat have to come into my yard by landing on my squash mound and ruin the mound then trample the next mound?

   I love cats, I love my wild life, but really, why is it okay for neighbors to let their pets do the things they do in ones yard.  I don't let that happen...!!!

   I actually can see if we were living in the rural setting... BUT HELLO! I live in the urban setting... Pet Poo and trampling is rude!!!

  Okay, my TANGENT is quieting now...

 Watering troubles...

   Looking through my garden, I was made aware that some of my areas weren't getting enough water and the plants looked a little stressed... Thank you husband for having my back.

   I am thinking that is why the gourds and the pumpkin were being attacked by the Aphids...

House Plants

   I have been going through my inside plants and realized I have been neglecting them too... (will lately.)
I have a lucky bamboo. It just doesn't keep the water in the little pot it is in now. So I thought that maybe it
needs to be re-potted into a larger one...
   I did a little research. I learned that it likes to have small pots.. The only time to re-pot is when the roots are growing out of its container. And whatever you do, don't use tap water because of the chemicals. Let the water set over night before you do.

   I cut my orchid flower stems and it doesn't seem to be very happy...  Do I only use spring water or the same process as my Lucky bamboo?  I am concerned I don't want top lose this one!

   I think that my avocados look good!!! They seem to be kind of splitting or cracking.. I'm getting excited, I hope I don't jinx it!


   My little African violets are doing well enough their still small but  flowering.
They may be a little hungry so next watering I will feed!...

Weather Update

   The heat advisory is still in effect until 8:00 p.m. Friday.. Temperatures have come down a little but only a few degrees. It was said that all kinds of weather records were broke today and it is Wednesday! I have been working on this article all week. Terribly on the run this week a lot of things happening, but I guess, One day at a time...

Old Cucumber Bed!!! 

I have Radish sprouts already!! I certainly hope that I get other things to sprout!!!    Hooray.....

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