Tangent Gardening "Extras"

Urban Gardening in unnatural heat... Why Not?

Friday, August 19, 2011

"RAIN!!!" Granted...........

     Mother Nature was very kind to us... My plea was answered last night!

We got "RAIN!!!"


        But not a lot!! I snapped off a few pictures...

40 mph winds
   From what I understand, the winds were so bad in some areas, it ripped up trees and buildings.. A friend commented to me that a neighbors' tree was uprooted and landed in another neighbors yard...


   What power!


 More Wind


                Kind of scary, the skies were tinted a little green,

    Isn't that a sign of tornadoes? 


     All the beautiful clouds as the storms dissipates,

             It rained all about half an hour...



   after all that....

We get this!!

This will be a busy weekend. I have clean up,

           Fertilize the garden.....

                     Then, I am making basil jelly....

How fun...... can't wait......

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