Tangent Gardening "Extras"

Urban Gardening in unnatural heat... Why Not?

Friday, July 1, 2011

Before I begin...
    I want to start with how this morning played out...

   It all began last night when I ventured out to see some of my beautiful veggies... did a couple of tasks etc...  as I cleaned out the corner where my zucchini are planted, pulled some old radish and weeds and such... 

   OMG! heartattck... 
not in real form mind you... (not making any jokes)  

to my surprised eyes that fell on to the infamous 


Brown Marmorated Stink Bug,    In juvenile form...


In mature form here they are!

wanted dead or alive...  well dead!! 


     These booogers latch on to their environment and do not let go!!!

    So on with this morning, I get up this morning extremely early and perform the most unforgivable task in my eyes...

    I go to the local hardware store and buy insecticide, I never like the concept of insecticides... I have so many beneficial s out there that I'm usually a happy camper and just to say I never let my husband spray any where near my areas...  but at this point in time, I have read, I have to be brutal to get rid of these menace to society... Well I was, I hated every minute of it... 

   I have read about a nicotine wash to use, now, so after I eradicate these  #*#*%%$%... I will use this new method from now on. 

   Problem: I have to buy cigarettes, and I don't smoke... How aggravating all this is!...  

So the Stink bug saga continues with heavy (sigh)  heart...

On to ...

Open hot space!

This is the space I would like to put the pumpkin and green beans.

I will be putting the green beans to the right. I have a lattice screen that I will pitch into the center of the row. I will plant on both sides the green beans...

  Then to the left... I will be putting the pumpkin, as it expands "hopefully" it will cover the area to keep the soil shaded.

   I have a lot of work though. 

    I have to install a water source, so that means I need to dig out from the back of my compost area...   I will be following the wall with tubing. Taking it behind the shed then along the rest of the wall and ..... staking it along the edge of the soil area of the hot spot...

   I have to do this as soon as possible to get the soil planted and ready to produce..

Wish me luck!!

Green Beans - 

  I will be planting the variety of green beans called Kentucky Wonder. It germinates in about 6 - 8 days.

   Days to harvest about 66.

A tip for you!!!

Before putting seeds in the ground,  soak them overnight.


   Okay, I only have seeds of pumpkins that came from some Halloween pumpkins that I saved a year or two back... not even that it will grow... But here is to trying right!?

   This is a warm a weather crop. It is planted in the early part of July.  The soil
temperatures should be at least 60°, three inches down.
It also has both female and male flowers. Just like the zucchini! (Fine you might have figured that out...)

   Days to harvest 90 to 120... Should be ready for Fall festivities...

So as I continue my clean up job,  I want to say RIP to all my good bugs that are affected...

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