Tangent Gardening "Extras"

Urban Gardening in unnatural heat... Why Not?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Plastic Containers ahhh!

Well I thought my plant menagerie were doing fine! But well silly me! I thought to soon, I found that my Thai chili plant is sagging and wilting and just sick and hot...

   I made an executive decision, I took it out of the pot and put it in the ground next to my jalapeno plant... It does seem a little happier, so I think I did good... (Lets hope... lets hope!)

Okay maybe not to happy, but I have to try! Right?

Before suffering

After (sigh!) Hope!
     I have the worst luck with plastic pots, I swear,  (not really)!  But, they really don't work for me... I have two other pots that are plastic and have my new menagerie of plants in them, and come to thing of it, The Salvia, isn't working well in it's pot.. Maybe I should put it in the ground too...

    Thanks to a comment made on yesterdays blog, It made me think about a couple solutions!!

First...  I will most likely have to spray an herbicide, but first I will have to do something about the rock to take the habitat away from the weeds... then, spray... Oh! It will be a lot of work... but at least it will be handled...

Next... The bird scenario, to save my green beans from the marauding, mutilation the birds instill on them, I will come up with another source of water, so maybe it will squelch the problem, maybe not altogether but for the most part... 

Thank you Justin (arizonavictorygarden.blogspot.com)... You put the push in my thinking...

Elephant Ear experiment-

    So, I planted the bulb on or close to the date of the 6 of July. It is said that it takes up to Three Weeks to sprout... So irritating... I am really impatient huh? Oh well! I should see it emerge, like next week towards the end of it... As it was said, I'm crazier than well...You know, maybe, I am...  This is definitely not an area for such tropical plants but, alas I have to try....

**Heat advisory** 

All I can say is Drink Water and lots of it, because with this heat you will loose more than half of your water weight before you know it... 

   Today it will get to a High of 110, with 28% humidity, and a 62 degrees dew point!

I will be soaking more beans tonight, to plant them this weekend. I hope that it will work.. so off I go to what maybe will work... wish me luckkkkk!!!!



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