Tangent Gardening "Extras"

Urban Gardening in unnatural heat... Why Not?

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Resorting To What One Owns!

  I have so much basil, not only is it bolting, it is coming out my ears,
Well, not really... but  a fellow blogger was putting some basil up and made it look beautifully easy.. and "that" I thank you, to The Ebullient Gardener..

    It starts by, me getting all giddy I just can't wait to start washing and chopping, Then I go to grab my ICE TRAYS!!!  Gosh darn it, I can't find them anywhere.. So, silly me, I thought I would just go to the store to buy some, easy task right??

   Oh! NO! Why would that be simple?

   I look in the first store, "none", that's okay right?  So go to the second store, I search the place... "none, nada," Okay, feeling a little agitated, nothing too major.. I move on.
   Last, store, knowing they have everything.... I have no doubt that ice trays would be at this particular store....Again I go in with great enthusiasm, ready to grab, pay and go.  I walk down the isle that has everything that you could imagine for the kitchen, I have no doubt, total hope...
   As I pass each item, hope diminishes, until I reach the end of the row, the inevitable introduces itself,  none, nada, zero!!!

    Are you kidding me? What are the chances that three stores in a row have  "NO ICE TRAYS!!!"

    I'm standing there, I glance over to a shelf, while my mother is talking and looking for the trays with me, for that chance shot that we missed them in some way. I zone out, Light bulb!!! I have an idea.... wait!, "I do?" Yes!!, I do!!!
    I get this insanely great idea, One that I'm sure someone out there is thinking to themselves, "They knew that!" Right? (Shrugging that off), I see tin foil throw away muffin tins..

    Of course, What a great idea...
    OMG! Why did, I, waist all this time looking for these stupid ICE TRAYS???? When, all I had to do was look in my cupboard, and say that should work...! Hmm?...

   Sometimes, my little dealings like this particular one, well, it keeps me on my toes, laughing at myself! (well Quietly anyway!). Holy Cow!!

Hence, search before you search!!!

    So I as you know it I start, my "little" project...

 Step 1.  Collect basil, wash and chop...
 Step 2.  Line tine with plastic wrap...
 Step 3.  Pack compartments of tins with chopped basil...
 Step 4.  Fill filled compartments with water...
 Step 5.  Freeze tins

Finished for the moment and doing the "hurry up and wait!!"

In the case of birds vs Me and Green Beans...

   So for the solution for placing a bird bath by the green beans seems to be working and, I have been putting the feed a small distance away for where the green beans grow... I am getting all new green bean sprouts, so I am relieved that I may get a great harvest!...


   My potted plant menagerie,  Well, really did not go so well... The only three plants that survived as of to date... Is Beautiful Portulaca, and yellow lantana, and the fabulous Shazam... Still beautiful...

   New projects are stewing in my brain, My husband will be thinking OH! NO! But little does he know he stuck them in my head?

Thank you dear!

   I will be plotting new locations in my front yard, The world of Container Gardening, Yes, adding a whole new dimension to the look of my house and yard.. I do have concern of what HOA might say.. But this is container gardening and I can move them if it is a problem!

      So, I will be talking (blogging about it soon)....

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