Tangent Gardening "Extras"

Urban Gardening in unnatural heat... Why Not?

Monday, July 18, 2011

Green Bean Carnage

My poor green beans....
     The carnage left behind by the birds...  Proof in the picture!!!

Front row massacre

Back row victims...

    I am stuck! I am sad, and not sure what to do!   

    If this keeps going on, what will become of my green beans?  If I stop feeding my birds, they leave....  I don't want that to happen.

   Why is it, that it's an "either-or" way of life in the garden? 

        Okay, so debating is in my future, tonight!

   Now on to what I found this morning...


    Searching through my cucumber plant, knowing that it cant just produce one cucumber... for days I have been looking and hoping with anticipation, that there might be just a small sign of life, but continuously thwarted with the emptiness of zeelch.... nada..... zero... the big fat O... Ok you get the idea...

       I finally found some hopeful beauties 


So whatcha think???
      Do I have a chance?

But look what I also found...  I don't know what to think!  Is it insect eggs or is it insect umm scat?

      A bit nervous and not sure what to do!   It is all over a few of the leaves at the top of the plant itself...

Close attention will be maintained...



 Just wanted to put this out there!
   So I have been busy online, and I created a face book page for Tangent Gardening! I am still learning and getting used to the way blogs work, but I hope all that I'm doing will be fun helpful information from time to time. Thanks in advance for a show of input and support! Oh constructive criticism is always wanted...

But please don't be mean... I couldn't bare it!!! 

(well, yes I could, but I just wouldn't listen)

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